Our first featured project is Willow Springs Park. This unique project is located at the highest elevation in the City of Long Beach CA. The inspiration for this project was a 360° topographical map showing the natural landscape within a 50 mile radius of downtown Long Beach. The change in elevation was established by utilizing over 1,600 linear feet of bender board, back filled with various shades of DSS supplied decomposed granite, creating contrast in the changing elevations within the artwork. D.G. colors include Stingray Grey, Pepper Red, Summit, Wheat, and Lavender Magic. Tumbled, recycled cobalt glass was used to show the watershed from its source high in the mountains to its confluence with the Pacific Ocean. We strongly recommend getting by this project when you are in the area, it is well worth the visit to view the detail in this art piece.
Commissioned by: City of Long Beach, Department of Parks Recreation and Marine, and the Department of Sustainability
Project Artist: Stephen Elicker
Project Manager: Larry Rich
Installed by: RP Vititow Construction